
fossil fuel - Page 8


Poverty? Don’t Blame The Rich, But Ourselves

COLUMN THE VIEW FROM WEST DAVENPORT Poverty? Don’t Blame The Rich, But Ourselves Talk about getting things backwards and exposing your political bias at the same time, while totally ignoring the facts – and you’ve identified Oneonta’s mayor, as reflected in a column he writes elsewhere. We have poverty because of folks like him who deny reality when it comes to renewables vs. fossil fuels, who even fight renewables like solar and who do everything they can to keep industry…


If Not Constitution Pipeline, Then What?

EDITORIAL NAYSAYERS NEED TO BE AYE-SAYERS If Not Constitution Pipeline, Then What? As any one of you who have been there know, Owego’s a delightful community, rich with history – Belva Lockwood, the first woman presidential candidate, taught there.  Fine mansions line the Susquehanna River.  There’s a funky, arts-oriented downtown. A half-block off Main and Front streets, however, you see the rot.  Solid homes are in disarray; when the money’s not there, maintenance is the first thing to go.  There…


County Energy Task Force Aims To Partner With State Agencies

County Energy Task Force Aims To Influence NY State By JENNIFER HILL • Special to ONEONTA – The county’s Energy Task Force aims to impact state and regional energy policy in the coming months, according to discussions in its meeting last night. “We’re planning to have a representative from DEC speak about the New York Climate Consumer Protection Act,” said Danny Lapin, an Energy Task Force member and county rep.  “How DEC will implement its components of the legislation,…


KUZMINSKI: Refocus $500M From Pipelines To Renewables

VIEW FROM FLY CREEK Refocus $500M From Pipelines To Renewables By ADRIAN KUZMINSKI • Special to I attended a hearing recently in Binghamton on rate increases proposed by NYSEG for a number of projects, including a nearly three-fold expansion in the capacity of the DeRuyter gas pipeline serving Oneonta. The hearing was run by the Public Service Commission (PSC), a New York State agency which is supposed to regulate utilities like NYSEG. The atmosphere wasn’t very promising. The deserted…


This Week’s Newpapers, Aug. 15-16, 2019

THIS WEEK’S NEWSPAPERS The Freeman’s Journal • Hometown Oneonta Aug. 15-16, 2019 PHOTO OF THE WEEK SPECIAL REPORT DOLORES WHARTON’S “A MULTICULTURED LIFE” FRONT PAGE: From Harlem Aristocracy To Nation’s Heights EDITORIAL: With Determination, Discipline, Whartons Led Way EXCERPT: Ekofisk Trip Built Phillips Petroleum Camaraderie FRONT PAGE OTSEGO COUNTY CHAMBER’S SUMMER SOIREE • Clark Sports Center: ‘Luckiest People’ Have Access • ISD Tech: Firm Sells Computers, Recycles Them Too • Woodstock Memories Still Vivid ‘Grassroots’ Gets Kids To Put On…


Only Grassroot Activists Can Save Our Planet

THE VIEW FROM FLY CREEK Only Grassroot Activists Can Save Our Planet By ADRIAN KUZMINSKI • Special to Sustainable Otsego has been both a social network and political action committee since its founding in 2007. Over that time, it has advanced three principles around which local life could be organized: Sustainable Living. Economic Independence, and Home Rule. Today let me address Sustainable Living; I’ll take up the other two in later columns. Sustainable Living turns out to be a…


Gas Generated Electricity Quicken Way To Achieve Decarbonization Goals

Letter from DICK DOWNEY Gas Generated Electricity Quicken Way To Achieve Decarbonization Goals To the Editor: Adrian Kuzminski’s June 13/14 column, “If Facts Can’t Defuse Deniers, What Can?” opens with the passage from the New Testament where Pontius Pilate asks Christ, “What is Truth? (John 18:38). This is an eternal question, always relevant, especially today. The column devolves into an attack on “Climate Change Deniers,” people skeptical of the dogma and prophecies of “The Climateers.” Climateers would have us make…


How to Waste $400 Million

COLUMN How to Waste $400 Million By ADRIAN KUZMINSKI • Special to At the January 2019 Otsego County Energy Summit in Cooperstown, sponsored by the Otsego County Chamber of Commerce, a NYSEG representative surprised many present by announcing that the utility was planning to rebuild and expand the DeRuyter pipeline, which brings natural gas to Oneonta. In a subsequent report, filed with the Public Service Commission on March 15, NYSEG states, with regard to the DeRuyter pipeline, that it…


Mike Zagata: Do Renewables Make Sense Yet?

COLUMN Do Renewables Make Sense Yet? By MIKE ZAGATA • Special to I see the left is at it again.  If you disagree with or question their agenda, then you are labeled as “evil.” Now I’m being accused of being opposed to renewables.  If you’ve read my writings on the topic, then you know nothing could be further from the truth.  Anyone who is aware of the concerns regarding climate change and understands that fossil fuels are not renewable,…


COLUMN: If Facts Can’t Defuse Deniers, What Can?

The View From Fly Creek If Facts Can’t Defuse Deniers, What Can? ‘What is Truth?” Pontius Pilate famously asked. Lately, it seems a bigger question than ever. If, like me, you surf between conservative and liberal websites, Fox News and CNN/MSNBC, talk radio and PBS, Sean Hannity and Alan Chartock, you know that you’re getting radically different, irreconcilable versions of the truth on virtually any subject. It’s scary. The other day, driving down Fly Creek valley, it was Glenn Beck…

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