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Trolley Service Suspended Until July 1

Paid Parking, Parks

Remain in $3.8M Budget

The Cooperstown Village Board met remotely and streamed the budget hearing on YouTube. From top left, Mayor Ellen Tillapaugh, Joseph Membrino, Jim Dean  Cindy Falk, Teri Barown, Village Clerk, MacGuire Benton, Rich Sternberg, Jeanne Dewey, and Deb Guerin, Village Treasurer.

COOPERSTOWN – Though the Cooperstown Village Board had considered a late start or suspending it entirely, they voted that paid parking will go into effect on Memorial Day weekend as part of the $3.8 million budget approved during their monthly meeting.

Trustee Cindy Falk estimated that revenues will only be $100,000 for the year, down from $463,000 last year.

“It’s a huge punch in the gut,” said Trustee MacGuire Benton.

Teri Barown, Village Clerk, said that some have already purchased their parking passes by printing off the form and mailing in a check. “If people need to come in, I’m here, we can make arrangements,” she said.

Though Trustee Rich Sternberg requested that Fairy Spring be closed for the year, citing social distancing protocols, he was the only one, and both Three Mile Point and Fairy Springs will be opened and staffed as soon as the state issues guidelines for when that can safely occur.

Though not part of the budget portion of the meeting, the board voted to hold off starting trolley service until July 1 at the earliest,  if at all. “If the Baseball Hall of Fame doesn’t open, there’s no point,” said Falk. “There will be enough parking spaces downtown, and taking public transportation is really not at the front of anyone’s mind.”


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