Planning Board Sets Public Hearing
On T-Mobile Key Bank Installation

By PATRICK WAGER • Special to
COOPERSTOWN – The village Planning Board this afternoon set a public hearing for 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 19, at Village Hall on the proposed placement of a T-Mobile installation on the roof of the Main Street Key Bank building.
At today’s meeting, discussion covered the same issues reviewed by the Zoning Board of Appeals last.
The Key Bank site presents the best coverage and would be contained in a small structure placed on the roof that will mimic the building’s industrial design, T-Mobile’s lawyer Matthew Kerwin said.
No church steeples would provide the same coverage and would require a structure placed on the ground to house additional equipment, he said.
The weight of the equipment would be approximately a ton.
Why do they schedule a hearing for 4:30 in the afternoon when people are either still working or on their way home. It certainly gives the appearance that they really want very minimal public input. Their corporate masters have instructed them very well.