Political Candidates Speak Out:
Backgrounds, Goals Explained
Meet a Candidate for US Senator for Election Day, November 8, 2022
Publisher’s Note: We sent out an e-mail asking the candidates for the major political races next week to share information about themselves, so our readers can get to know them a little better. Every candidate had the opportunity to return their answers. We asked them:
A. Please tell us about yourself.
B. If you were elected to office, what are your top priorities and why?
We have run these answers over the last few weeks, in hopes this will help in your decision-making process on Tuesday, November 8. Please get out and vote!

Diane Sare — LaRouche Party
Running for United States Senator
A. I am an independent candidate whose name will appear on the ballot on the “LaRouche” line to identify my 33-year collaboration with the late economist and former presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche. I grew up in a Quaker family in Maine, and studied for one year at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York before transferring to New England Conservatory of Music in Boston.
I ran for U.S. Congress in New Jersey in the Democratic primary elections in 2012 and 2104, calling for the impeachment of President Obama, which was a controversial campaign, to say the least.
I believe that the nation is headed in a terrible direction as a result of the shift in national identity, beginning with the death of FDR, but emphatically following the assassination of JFK and the Warren Commission cover up and, most recently, the 9/11 attacks. We are living in a surveillance state with a degenerate “rock-drug-sex” culture. War and drug legalization will not solve our problems.”
I still enjoy playing the trombone, occasionally direct a large chorus I founded in New York City, and I reside in Rockland County with my husband, Christopher, and dog, Rusty.
B. First the trans-Atlantic financial system is hopelessly bankrupt and cannot be saved by any amount of printing money or fiddling with interest rates. We need to reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act, nationalize the Federal Reserve and issue trillions of dollars of credit to build nuclear power plants, water management, high speed rail, NOT windmills and solar panels which are a waste of space and destroy farmland.
The United States should leave NATO, and stop provoking wars with major nuclear powers like Russia and China. The CIA, FBI and NSA should be audited. I support term limits.