Presbyterians’ Pastor
Vows To Be ‘Band-Aid’
Faith E. Gay, a recent graduate of Yale Divinity School and founding partner in Selendy & Gay, a leading New York City litigation firm, receives a ceremonial stole this morning as she was ordained and installed as pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Cooperstown’s oldest congregation. Presenting the stole, top photo, are the Rev. Ed Townsend, right, interim pastor, and the Rev. Joe Perdue, Cooperstown First Baptist pastor. (The two congregations have been worshiping together during the COVID threat.) “I’m here to be your Band-Aid,” said Gay, who will serve as a part-time pastor, with members of the congregation continuing to perform duties they exercised since the resignation of the Rev. Elsie Rhodes in April. “This was not in the plan; I felt your pain,” said the new pastor. The sermon was delivered by the Rev. Serene Jones, president of the Union Theological Seminary in New York City. About 100 people attended, wearing masks and maintaining social distancing. The music was organized by Victor Simonson, and included eminent professional musicians. (Jim Kevlin/