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50-Job Farm Credit East Office
Springfield Planning Board Moves Project Forward, Too


SPRINGFIELD CENTER – Farm Credit East’s plans for a low-profiled 50-job office building just north of the Glimmerglass Festival on Route 80 this evening appeared to have won support of all the major local environmental advocates.
The project was also moved forward by the Town of Springfield Planning Board, which unanimously agreed to be lead agency in the SEQRA process; it then reviewed and approved Part II of the state Environmental Quality Review Act requirements. Next month, the Planning Board is expected to act on a motion for a "negative declaration," meaning the project will have little impact on the environment.
Harry Levine, Otsego Land Trustee chair, who was speaking on behalf of Advocates for Springfield, said he expects Farm Credit East will be a good neighbor. “In simple terms,” he said, “we do support this project.”
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