Artwork by Madeline Silber is featured at CANO. (Photo provided)
‘ReImagine the Local Arts’ Benefit
for CANO is Saturday
The Community Arts Network of Oneonta will hold a benefit, “ReImagine the Local Arts,” in the historic Wilber Mansion at 11 Ford Avenue on Saturday, April 29 from 4-6 p.m.
The impetus for this event is two-fold: to gather community members and leaders to talk over ideas on how to best meet the needs of Oneonta residents and visitors, and to raise funds for CANO to help expand staff, offer more artistic presentations, and continue educational programming. Along with lively conversation about the future of the local arts, there will be hors d’oeuvres, drinks, music and a silent art auction.
“There has been a recent shift in awareness of the importance of the arts in enhancing our quality of life and sense of community,” explained CANO Executive Director Hope Von Stengel. “In fact, CANO had increased community engagement at our events and more requests for arts classes in the past year.
“Yet, if we are to continue fulfilling our mission, we need to transition from an all-volunteer organization to one with several paid staff and volunteer support. As we do so, the Board of Directors and I are asking residents for their vision of a vibrant arts organization so we can better focus our resources. And we are also asking our patrons for support, both monetary and personal, to help us succeed for the benefit of all,” Von Stengel said.
Guest speakers for “ReImagine the Local Arts” include: Hartwick College President Darren Reisberg; Oneonta City Councilwoman and artist Emily Falco; Foothills Performing Arts and Civic Center Executive Director Geoff Doyle; Otsego Media Producer Alysa Blasetti; and artist/business owner James McIlroy.
Musical performances will be by Hartwick student Ben Hulbert and SUNY Oneonta student Lily Soleil. A silent auction will feature artwork by Charlie Bremer, Jamie Barnes, Karin Bremer, Diana Cozzens, Terry Fox, Madeline Silber, Joseph Von Stengel, and Richard Barlow, among others.
Tickets for “ReImagine the Local Arts” can be purchased at or at the door. Donation levels begin at $100 per person.
“CANO believes strong community support, citizen input, and local engagement can make Oneonta and the surrounding area one of the most successful arts and cultural centers in upstate NY. We invite the city and community to join us, work with us, and support our mission to promote the arts, support artists, and engage the community,” Von Stengel said.
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