Remembering the Queen – All Otsego

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Letter from Andrew Hamill

Remembering the Queen

Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, knew the definition of duty, service, and leadership from the time she was young and up until her passing. One way her leadership became known was during the world’s annus horribilius (horrible year)
and the United State’s second day of infamy: September the 11th, 2001, when Her Majesty instructed the Coldstream Guards to play our National Anthem to help display unity.

She led a long life of service, duty, and leadership as a Sovereign, Monarch, Supreme Governor of the Church of England, but most importantly as the matriarch of her family, the Windsors. Regardless if we support the Monarchy or not, let us remember Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.

Andrew (AJ) Hamill
City of Oneonta


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