Richfield Awarded $4.5 Million in NY Forward Revitalization Funds
ALBANY—A small community with an outsized passion for the revitalization of its Main Street.” That’s how New York State Governor Kathy Hochul referred to The Greater Richfield Springs Downtown Area last week in a press release announcing this year’s Mohawk Valley Region NY Forward grant recipients.
The Town of Richfield and the Village of Boonville have each been awarded $4.5 million in state funding and investments to revitalize their downtown neighborhoods and generate new opportunities for long-term growth following the local planning process. They join Cooperstown, Sharon Springs and Dolgeville, which were Mohawk Valley winners in the first round of NY Forward last year. The Village of Herkimer will receive $10 million in funding as the Mohawk Valley Region winner of the seventh round of the Downtown Revitalization Initiative.
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