Richfield Springs ready to build youth sports complex – All Otsego

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Richfield Springs looks ahead to youth sports field complex

A rendering of plans for soccer, softball, baseball, and T-ball fields (along with some sledding) in the works for Richfield Springs

They have to wait until the end of ‘mud season’ to start, but Richfield Springs is eager to break ground in the Spring on new baseball, softball, and soccer fields that could be ready for action in time for Autumn’s soccer season.

Town of Richfield Supervisor Dan Sullivan said the Richfield Youth Sports Athletic Complex got its start when a dedicated group of volunteers began a bottle and can drive – “literally putting nickels together,” he said – and raised enough to take a look at 18.4 acres on the border of the village and town near Lake Street and Cemetery Road. With money in the bank and a site in mind, Mr. Sullivan worked with the group to write a grant through the state’s Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) process – leading to an award topping $160,000 for the project.

“This gives exercise opportunities for everyone,” Mr. Sullivan said. “There’s an issue with rural poverty, an issue of rural obesity. These fields will be easy to access and open for play and activity. We can’t wait to get going.”

Mr. Sullivan said he hopes to include a walking track around the fields and is even eying 16 acres at nearby Roundtop for more adult recreation options.

His plans for the Village and Town include a study of a extending a walking and bike trail from the sports complex to Baker’s Beach on Canadarago Lake and even the city of Little Falls.

“The Empire State Trail runs through Little Falls,” he said, noting the state had considered ‘branch trails’ until COVID stalled the plans. “We’d like to do some study and planning for the next round of CFA grants. I think it’d be a great opportunity.”



  1. I’m confused at the map… it doesn’t show the cemetery! Several family members are buried there. I have no objection to the sports complex, I think it’s a good idea, but really would like to know where it is in relation to the cemetery…

  2. @dylis, The property is ~100 feet from the cemetery property. In the drawing the baseball and green parking area would be the side towards the cemetery. Also, a big thanks to the Kozak family for selling this property to the RYS Organization.

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