Richfield’s Zoning Plan
Will Give More Options
Than Are Available Now
To the Editor:
The Town of Richfield and the Village of Richfield Springs were given a tremendous gift from the IDA in 2015 by funding the hiring of professionals to help us create a Comprehensive Plan and update the Town Zoning Law that were created in 1992.
The Joint Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the Village in December 2017, and by the Town in January 2018.
This Joint Comprehensive Plan received The Comprehensive Plan award in April from the New York State Planning Federation. The next step is to update the Town Zoning Law to meet the Comprehensive Plan.
Our original law created in 1992 had 23 allowed uses, and then in 2005 and 2006 the allowed uses were stripped down to six allowed uses under then Supervisor Palevsky, and allowing other uses by “special permit.”
The updated zoning has 73 allowed uses and they are very broadly defined uses. This will allow us to market our town to businesses that fit the character of the community.
Before businesses will consider a town, they want to know that they are “allowed” and they want to know what else is “allowed” so their investment isn’t negatively impacted by having a business next door that would hurt their investment.
Mr. Palevsky obviously doesn’t like zoning at all, but without good zoning laws your community becomes a dumping ground for unwanted projects, property values can suffer, as well as the quality of life for the residents.
Mr. Palevsky has misrepresented the updated zoning law with false statements very publicly for months in a shameful attempt to scare people. The updated zoning actually gives people more rights than they have currently, and it will help us create the prosperous community that Richfield can be.
Member, Comprehensive Plan Committee
Zoning Commission, Town of Richfield