Rivers Are High, But
Otsego Roads Are Open

By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com
COOPERSTOWN – Rain, sleet and warmer temperatures may have made the rivers rise, but according to Robert O’Brien, Director of 911 Communications for the county, all roads in Otsego are clear and no flood warnings are in effect.
“We have seen an increase in requests for Fire Departments to respond to flooded basement calls,” he said. “But they’re very minor at this point. It is evident that through the hard work of our Town, Village, State and County Highway crews, issues with flooded roadways have been very minimal. At this point in time, we are not aware of any present or ongoing issues. ”
In Oneonta, the Susquehanna River is nearly eleven feet above normal. “We’ve been monitoring it closely for the last few days,” said Fire Chief Patrick Pigeon. “When it gets up around 16 feet, that’s when we start to worry.”
The rain and sleet mix is expected to taper off by early evening. However, caution when traveling is advised, as roads may have deep puddles or water washing over them from overflowing drainage ditches.