EDITORIAL Make The Call. Avert Disaster Please, Congressman, Senator, Convince Governor To Approach Dreams Park Owner Cooperstown Dreams Park’s decision to cancel the 2020 season was only announced Friday. Two days before, county Treasurer Allen Ruffles, who chairs the county Emergency Task Force, had called Mike Walter, Dreams Park COO, and received no inkling such an economy-shattering decision was in the making. It’s not locked in concrete. It’s not too late to turn it around. Four men may be able to make it happen. Congressman Antonio Delgado, D-19, and state Sen. Jim Seward, R-Milford, should approach Gov. Andrew Cuomo…
Welfare Check Leads To Oneonta Heroin Bust ONEONTA – An Oneonta man was arrested and charged with heroin possession Friday night after a neighbor called for a welfare check. Kyle L. Alger, 20, was interviewed by police at his 16 Rose Avenue home after a neighbor called to complain that someone was vomiting outside of Alger’s vehicle. When police arrived, Alger allegedly got out of his vehicle and threw an item underneath, and inspection of the area uncovered two grams of bulk heroin in a knotted plastic bag, as well as 11 individually packaged paper folds. According to police, the…
Thank You Seward, Well Done! On Dec. 31, 2020, James L. Seward of Milford – everyone’s “Gentleman Jim” – retired from the New York State Senate, where he had served Otsego County since Jan. 1, 1986. Because of COVID-19, few of his constituents had the chance to say: Farewell – and thank you. When offered the opportunity, many of us – his fellow legislators, community leaders, top corporate executives and businesspeople, and citizens to whom he reached out and helped in time of need – have now done so in tributes that appear in this Special Edition – from The…