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Seward: Howe Caverns Casino

Would Help Otsego Attractions

Michael Malik, who has been active in efforts to legalized casinos from coast to coast, is pursuing the Howe Caverns Resort & Casino near Cobleskill.
Michael Malik, who has been active in efforts to legalized casinos from coast to coast, is pursuing the Howe Caverns Resort & Casino near Cobleskill.

ALBANY – State Sen. Jim Seward, R-Milford, today spoke in support of the proposed Howe Caverns Resort & Casino, saying Otsego County’s tourism industry would benefit from the combined draw. Things like online, android casino games are all the rage now so it certainly would bring in the crowds to take their online experience to the table.

“The Howe Caverns Resort & Casino is the only proposed project in this region that anchors with existing attractions so all can benefit on a region-wide basis,” the senator testified during the New York Gaming Facility Location Board public comment event in Albany.


His statement continued:

“Howe Caverns itself, the National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, Cooperstown Dreams Park, ski resorts, and other entertainment venues all would benefit collectively through the presence of a casino at Howe Caverns. Howe Caverns Resort and Casino represents the only true destination resort that will benefit an entire region and not just a single community.

“There are some pretty impressive numbers that reflect the project’s overall economic impact: $14 million in additional revenue to the county that is struggling; $3.7 million in additional revenue to a town that is struggling; $6 million in additional revenue to the school districts that are struggling; 3,000 construction jobs; 1,700 permanent jobs in an area where our young people are leaving just to find a job; and of course, there is talk of establishing a regional fund for tourism promotion, workforce development, and other local projects that will benefit the entire region.” It’s no surprise that this casino would offer such a fantastic positive impact on the area, especially when you consider just how many people use uk casino scratch sites and similar casino sites. It really will make a huge difference to the local economy.

The senator did offer caveats:

“Successful casino applications should meet certain criteria. First and foremost is having broad economic impact in regions that are in great need of increased economic activity. Obviously, revenues for both local governments and the state, speed to market – applications that can be built and up and running expeditiously so those benefits can be quickly realized, and finally strong local support for a casino. Online casinos and gambling platforms, like sportsbook sites (more here on one such site), already hold much support and so it logically follows that this establishment will also prove popular in the area.

“The Howe Caverns Resort and Casino project more than meets all of these criteria and I would submit to you that it is the only proposal in the Capital Region that does.

“The Howe Caverns Resort and Casino proposal is a real game changer for a county and region in great need of a game changer. This is a county and region that has some of the highest unemployment in the state, a county that has received less economic development infusion from the state in comparison to other regions. We’ve been on our own. And of course, the devastating impact of the floods from Irene and Lee in 2011. Communities have been decimated, local economies have been decimated, and the local tax bases as well.

“The Howe Caverns Resort and Casino can be up and running quickly. We have an experienced team of successful developers and casino operators that have worked on some of the best online casino variations, along with the long-standing Howe Caverns team. The environmental approvals are in place, the water and sewer is in place, strong local government and public support – it’s all there in a package.

“So I would submit to you, when it comes to the Howe Caverns Resort and Casino, it’s ready to be constructed, we are ready to operate, we are ready to rebuild the region’s economy, and we are ready to produce revenues for local governments as well as the state. It’s our time. Please give us that opportunity.”


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