Seward: Positive Future – All Otsego

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Letter from James L. Seward

Positive Future

We are at an incredibly important crossroads in New York and here locally. We need thoughtful leadership in Albany that will look out for our interests and set the state on a course for a positive future. Fortunately, we have Peter Oberacker as our state senator leading the charge.

In his first term as state senator, Peter has worked extremely hard to represent everyone who lives and works in the 51st Senate District. Employing his experience as a local government official, small business owner, and volunteer first responder, he has fought for the issues that mean the most to us here at home — not the Albany special interests.

Moving forward, we need someone who will continue to stand up for our Second Amendment rights, work for fiscally conservative measures that will help rebuild our local economy, and make sure the new 51st Senate District — the entire district — receives the attention it deserves.

When I endorsed Peter as my successor two years ago, I did so knowing he would serve as a thoughtful, caring representative of the people of his district. He has done just that, building partnerships with stakeholders throughout the region, educating himself on the concerns of families and individuals, and ensuring that we have a strong voice at the State Capitol.

I continue to offer my wholehearted endorsement and ask that you join me in voting for our senator, Peter Oberacker, on Primary Day, August 23.

James L. Seward
Former New York State Senator


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