Warrant Sweep Begins,
Sheriff Devlin Advises
If One’s Outstanding For YOU, Take Care Of It
By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com
COOPERSTOWN – A warrant round-up is about to begin, and county Sheriff Richard J. Devlin is advising anyone with an outstanding fine or citation to appear in person to avoid being arrested as the Otsego County Sheriff’s Office executes a warrant roundup.
In a posting on the department’s official Facebook page, Devlin said that the sheriff’s deputies will be seeking out people with warrants pending to clear up their records.
According to the post, those arrested are taken before court judges for arraignment and disposition of their cases. Anyone charged with non-payment of fines will be allowed full payment or suitable arrangements for full payment.
Other options may include a cash bond, a Magistrate Court appearance, attorney representation or confinement.
“This agency-wide effort additionally urges people to take care of their warrants immediately to avoid being arrested,” he wrote. “People with outstanding fines or citations are strongly encouraged to appear in person or contact their respective municipal court in order to avoid being arrested.”