Sponsorships Sought To Bring
Wounded Warriors To County
Council Rock Brewery’s Becky Davidson, former Coopertown Chamber stalwart, is heading up the committee to bring the Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball Team back to play on Doubleday Field and Damaschke Field during Memorial Day Weekend 2015.
They will be playing at Damaschke Field in Oneonta on Saturday and Doubleday Field in Cooperstown on Sunday.
Every player is a Veteran from Iraq or Afghanistan and has lost a limb. At least two of them have lost both legs. “This does not stop them from making the best of their lives,” said Becky. “They are an inspiration to everyone. One of the greatest things that they do (in my opinion) is their work with children who have also lost limbs.”
Here is a link that will give you a little more insight into the team, check http://youtu.be/_ZBh93wQRjg and http://woundedwarrioramputeesoftballteam.org
Please join Brewery Ommegang, Steve Pindar and the Oneonta Outlaws, Barbara Ann Heegan with the Oneonta Elks Club and New York Central Mutual Insurance in supporting these heroes.
$5000.00 GRAND SLAM $2500 HOME RUN
Logo placement on back of program Full page ad in the program
Full page ad in the program Representation on a team
Logo placement on t-shirts, posters, playing the WWAST
and all advertising Logo placement on posters and Representation on a team advertising
playing the WWAST Sign at the Ballpark
Sign at the Ballpark Recognition at the games
Presentation to WWAST at the games
$1000.00 TRIPLE $500.00 DOUBLE
½ page ad in the program 1/4 page ad in the program
Logo placement on posters/advertising Recognition at the games
Sign at the Ballpark Business name on all advertising Recognition at the games
1/8 page ad in the program $25.00-$249.00
Mail to:
Davidson’s Jewelry
55 Grove Street
Cooperstown, NY 13326