Special Olympics Basketball Team
Tryouts To Be Held at Springbrook
ONEONTA – The Springbrook Scorpions are looking for players to join their 2019 Special Olympics basketball team during tryouts Monday-Wednesday, Jan. 28-30
The Springbrook Special Olympics Program is open to individuals who are 8-years-old and older, have been identified by an agency or professional as having an intellectual disability, a cognitive delay as determined by standardized measures, or face significant learning or vocational challenges resulting from cognitive delays that require specially-designed instruction. Athletes do not need to receive services from Springbrook in order to participate.
From 6-8 p.m. Jan.28, 29, and 30, interested athletes are invited to come to The School at Springbrook gymnasium, located at 105 Campus Drive in Oneonta, (North Entrance). There will be an opportunity to try out for the Individual Skills Competition team, as well the main JV and Varsity basketball teams. Prospective players only need to attend one of these tryout sessions and are asked to come dressed in athletic attire. All other gear and equipment will be provided.
For nearly fifty years, Special Olympics USA has been actively encouraging people with intellectual disabilities throughout the world to participate in sports as a way to discover inner strength, abilities, and skills that they can use both on the playing field and in everyday life. Springbrook has been home to the Scorpions Special Olympics basketball team for over 25 years, recently added a track and field team, and is home to the 2018 USA Games bronze medal award-winning Soccer team. The organization’s participation in the Special Olympics is 100% donor-supported and is made possible through the financial support of the following generous sponsors: Maines Paper & Food Services, Inc. and Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mirabito.
For more information about the Springbrook Scorpions Special Olympics Program, please contact Jon Philby at philbyj@springbrookny.org, (607) 286-7171, ext. 385, or Nicole Sokolowski at sokolowskin@springbrookny.org, (607) 286-7171, ext. 394.