Strategic Planning Top Priorities:
Housing, Broadband, Agriculture
ONEONTA – Expanding and upgrading broadband, cultivating vacant agricultural land and building affordable housing topped the list of economic development projects proposed during a workshop Thursday night.
About a dozen Otsego County residents and elected officials gathered for two hours of brainstorming at SUNY Oneonta directed by Planning Services Manager Nicole Allen of the Laberge Group, the Albany engineering firm contracted by county government to put assemble a countywide strategic plan, the first ever.
The goal was to identify the counties strengths, weaknesses and potential economic development projects. Simultaneous sessions were convened at Edmeston, Richfield Springs and Unatego central schools.
The planners intend to have some initial conclusions by Tuesday, that would include input from mayors and town supervisors, highway superintendents and municipal department heads who participated in similar brainstorming throughout the day Thursday at the county’s Meadows Complex.
“I would really like to see the rail yards turned into a multi-use development with green space, wetlands and light industry,” said Rep. Gary Koutnik, D-Oneonta.
One of the strongest proponents of creating a strategic plan for the county, county Rep. Craig Gelbsman, R-Oneonta, said, “I would say broadband is the most important idea going forward right now that could possibly be funded.”
Gelbsman added he would like to set a goal of retaining 10-15 college students annually from SUNY Oneonta and Hartwick College to stay in the county and start businesses.
County Rep.-elect Len Carson, R-Oneonta, said his single best economic development idea is to help each of “our existing businesses create one more job.”
Among the counties strengths identified by the public – natural beauty, primary and secondary educational opportunities and major tourist attractions.
Attendees said lack of entry level jobs, rural isolation and low population density are weaknesses holding back economic expansion.