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Streaker Steals Show At

4th Of July Baseball Game

County Rep. Danny Lapin snapped this picture of the streaker at the Oneonta Outlaws game on Thursday, July 4 and posted it to his Facebook page.

By LIBBY CUDMORE • Exclusive

ONEONTA – Fans of the Oneonta Outlaws got more than extra innings when a streaker ran across the outfield during a break in the game for the 4th of July fireworks.

“We got a call on the radio that there was a naked man running across Damaschke Field,” said Police Chief Doug Brenner. “One of our guys asked for a description, and the caller said, ‘It’s a guy with no clothes on!'”

County Rep. Danny Lapin, D-Oneonta, snapped a photo of the streaker and posted it on his Facebook page that evening. “A streaker decided to interrupt the July 4th Outlaws game,” he wrote.

A video recorded at the scene showed the man, who has not yet been identified, climbing the fence. “By the time we got down there, he was gone,” said Brenner. “We don’t have any idea who it was.”

Though public nudity is occasionally cited down near the bars – “like when somebody loses a bet,” Brenner mused – he could not recall the last time Oneonta had a streaker. “It’s not a common occurrence.”

“In the future, we would prefer that people keep their clothes on,” he added.


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