‘Super Spreader’
Caused Outbreak,
Morris Tells Reps
DOH's Bond: ‘It Spread Like Wildfire’;
SUNY Cases May Hit 450, Lapin Says

By JIM KEVLIN • Special to
COOPERSTOWN – The “super spreader” did it.
There have been large parties, even larger, at other SUNY campuses, campus President Barbara Jean Morris told the county Board of Representatives this morning.
The difference here was the one individual – a “Typhoid Mary” of COVID-19, as county Rep. Danny Lapin would describe him (or her) – who attended a particular party on Saturday, Aug. 23, hosted by upper-class athletes who invited some freshmen.
“We believe that was the epicenter of the super-spreader event,” Morris told the county board via Zoom at its September meeting. “We saw an uptick in waste water (being monitored on-campus for traces of COVID) almost immediately.”
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