Survivors, Supporters
‘Take Back The Night’
Carrying the “Take Back The Night” banner, Michaela Watts, left, and Taylor Trombley, members of the Opportunities for Otsego’s Violence Intervention Program, led a group of students from the SUNY Oneonta campus to Hartwick College during the annual Take Back The Night march this evening. The crowd gathered to hear the stories of survivors at both campuses before continuing on to Muller Plaza in downtown Oneonta, where they closed out the night with affirmations of solidarity, pizza and music from the Cooperstown band, Hanzolo. At right, Frankie Graham, Oneonta, a representative of the Otsego Pride Alliance, spoke to those gathered in Muller Plaza: “I am a survivor, and I am here to say how important it is to tell our stories. I know the terror of the event and I know the fear of being outed. But we here at OPA are here to listen and support. You do not have to get through it alone. Know there is a safe space in this town where people will listen and believe you.” (Ian Austin/