000 match – All Otsego


000 match


$100,000 Match Offered To Shelter Us Campaign

CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION $100,000 Match Offered To Shelter Us Campaign INDEX – With construction underway at the new Animal Shelter here, Susquehanna SPCA today announced receiving a $100,000 challenge grant, which will match every dollar contributed to the $5 million project between now and Aug. 1. “To have an anonymous donor offer us a challenge grant of this magnitude at such a crucial time for our project is truly amazing,” said SQSPCA Executive Director Stacie Haynes.…


SSPCA Benefactor Offers $250K, But We Must Match It

SSPCA Benefactor Offers $250K Match For New Donations Public Share Would Put $2 Million ‘Shelter Us’ Target Within Reach Susquehanna SPCA benefactor and Staffworks President Anita Vitullo, Clinton, above center, poses with SSPCA board members after announcing a few minutes ago that, dollar-for-dollar, she will match forthcoming donations to the “Shelter Us” fund drive up to $250,000.  If fully realized, Vitullo’s contribution will bring the $2 million drive to build a new animal shelter to $1.75 million, only $250,000 short…