01-19-23 – All Otsego




Certified Passive Chestnut Crossing Open House Slated for Jan. 28

Certified Passive Chestnut Crossing Open House Slated for Jan. 28 By DAN SULLIVANCOOPERSTOWN Josh Edmonds has decided where he will work to make a difference in the fight to reduce greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. “The built environment accounts for 40 percent of global emissions,” said Edmonds in a recent interview. “Furthermore, two thirds of existing buildings will still be in use in 2050.” Thus, the mission of Edmonds and his company, Simple Integrity, is to turn standing buildings into high-performance…


Carnival Returning Next Month

Carnival Returning Next Month By DANIEL FRANCISCOOPERSTOWN Now in its 55th year, the Cooperstown Winter Carnival blows back into our community on the cold, wintery winds that February brings year in and year out. Luckily, the volunteer-based Winter Carnival Committee has plans to warm the spirits of carnival goers with both fresh and familiar offerings throughout the duration of this year’s event. After what felt like an eternity, albeit just two years of dormancy, the Winter Carnival returns during the…


Bound Volumes: January 19, 2023

Bound Volumes January 19, 2023 210 YEARS AGOA Law Relative to the Streets – Be it ordained by the Trustees of the Village of Cooperstown, that one-fifth part of the street on each side thereof, be appropriated for sidewalks and that no person shall lay, deposit, or leave any wood, timber, wagon, cart, sleigh, wheelbarrow, or other obstruction whatever, in or upon the said sidewalks, under the penalty of twenty-five cents for every offence, and the further sum of twenty-five…


News from the Noteworthy: City of the Hills: Out With the Old and in With the New

News from the Noteworthy City of the Hills: Out With the Old and in With the New Welcome to Oneonta. Welcome new businesses and new members of our community. We’ve been waiting for you, and we are so glad you’re here. Welcome to the Apple Express, which finally fills the empty space that was Friendly’s. The ice cream shop was an anchor for the neighborhood, and the Apple Express is a terrific candidate to fill that role for the future.…


A Partial Observer: Key Factors May Help Decide Next President

The Partial Observer Key Factors May Help Decide Next President Discussion about the next presidential election no longer begins a year or so before Election Day. It begins four years before the election! Because of this, it might be appropriate—21 months before the next election—to highlight the six factors regularly cited by political scientists and historians in gauging the performance of a president. An appreciation of these factors should be helpful to citizens as they discuss the fitness of 2024…


Bassett at 100: Bassett Advancing Healthcare in Central New York and Beyond

Bassett at 100 Bassett Advancing Healthcare in Central New York and Beyond Dear friends, neighbors and colleagues, At Bassett, we are welcoming 2023 with a renewed energy and refreshed perspective. As we look at the year ahead, we are incredibly optimistic for the future of healthcare in our region. The new year will inevitably bring challenges—this is the case for all hospitals and health systems right now. But Bassett caregivers are adaptable and embrace each new opportunity with determination and…


In Memoriam Alexandra Ferrebee Gehring May 21, 1970-January 12, 2023

In Memoriam Alexandra Ferrebee Gehring May 21, 1970-January 12, 2023 Well Wow! That was an exhilarating ride!What a privilege. My body! My constant companion. Her fortitude. She gave me everything I asked of her! And now she will rest deeply as she has long deserved. She& I are ready. To have the education I received!To have the freedom to decide the exact shape my family and my work would take.…