01-26-23 – All Otsego




First Impressions: Our Cultural Landscape Just Grew Richer

First Impressions Our Cultural Landscape Just Grew Richer The Kasterine Farm is tucked into a charming valley in the Town of Exeter in northern Otsego County. The owners, Dmitri and Caroline Kasterine, are newcomers to the area, and they bring a wealth of cultural richness to our community. On December 10, the couple held an opening reception of their photography gallery, presenting to the attendees a stunning collection of photographs, the lifework of Dmitri.…


Cooperstown Swimming in Good Hands

Cooperstown Swimming in Good Hands By TED MEBUSTCOOPERSTOWNDue to the fallout of team sports seasons being canceled for the 2020-21 season, the Cooperstown boys and girls swimming and diving programs were each left without coaches. As the fall sports season approached in August of 2021, Coach John Hodgson said he felt compelled to step in and ensure his daughter, Ariadne—then a senior—could compete. After completing his first campaign with the girls team, a 3-9 effort with just 11 people, Hodgson…


Another Job Well Done

Another Job Well Done OTSEGO LAKE—Above, SUNY Oneonta Biological Field Station Master Diver Trainer Paul H. Lord, SUNY Oneonta BFS Volunteer Diver and Diver Instructor David Turner, SUNY Oneonta graduate biology major Brandon Guerrero and SUNY Oneonta undergraduate biology major Kari Minissale smile after diving in Otsego Lake to retrieve the Springfield Landing no-wake zone buoy on Saturday, December 17.…


Catskills Agrarian Alliance Works With Local Farmers, Producers

Catskills Agrarian Alliance Works With Local Farmers, Producers By DARLA M. YOUNGSHAMDEN For a decade, a community of farmers in Delaware, Otsego, and Schoharie counties have been working out of necessity on an alternative production and distribution project (first the Lucky Dog Food Hub and then The 607 CSA) to ensure food-security for our foodshed by creating a collaborative resilient local food system. CAA is the culmination of that work. We think of our organization as a pilot project and…


WOLF: Law is Clear: Public Has Right To Know

Letter from Peter Wolf Law is Clear: Public Has Right To Know Former school superintendent Theresa Carlin stated, “I’d love to comment and share the story, but am not able due to the NDA …” (Non-Disclosure Agreement). When a public employee resigns from a position and taxpayers are obligated to pay the employee’s salary and health benefits for an additional year, the public has a right to know what happened. Supt. Carlin and the school district entered into a “Release…


Religious Leaders Call for Apology

Religious Leaders Call for Apology By TED MEBUSTCOOPERSTOWN Rajan Zed, president of the Universal Society of Hinduism, and Reverend Matthew T. Fisher, a Buddhist minister, condemned local Brewery Ommegang for their sale of “Nirvana IPA,” as they find the use of the term “Nirvana” to be highly inappropriate. Calling for an apology, the pair stated that “breweries should not be in the business of religious appropriation, sacrilege and ridiculing entire communities.” “The inappropriate usage of sacred scriptures or deities or…


Chamber Kicks Off 2023 with ‘State of the State’ Breakfast Event

Chamber Kicks Off 2023 with ‘State of the State’ Breakfast Event By CASPAR EWIGONEONTA It was a sellout crowd last Friday, January 20, as the Otsego County Chamber of Commerce hosted its annual “State of the State” networking breakfast. The conference, which took place in the Otsego Grille of SUNY Oneonta’s Morris Hall, was introduced by Sean Lewis, president and chief executive officer of the chamber, as a vehicle to “allow the panelists a chance to express their view of…


Hometown History: January 26, 2023

Hometown History January 26, 2023 135 Years AgoThe Local News: Evaporated apples have superseded the old-time dried apple. A dealer of this town has long had on hand some 18 barrels of dried apples, for which there appeared to be no sale. He challenged another dealer the other day to make him an offer for them, and accepted fifty cents a barrel. On examining the apples they were found as lively with worms as the average Italian is with fleas.…


Bound Volumes: January 26, 2023

Bound Volumes January 26, 2023 210 YEARS AGOBoston – Yesterday, the specie, amounting to about 168,000 dollars, captured by Commodore Rodgers’ squadron on board the British Swallow Packet, bound from Jamaica to England, was landed at the Navy Yard in Charlestown under the direction and order of the Marshal of the district, who caused it to be placed in six wagons, which, with colors flying and drums beating, attended by the boat’s crews of the squadron, and protected by a…


Student Photo Project Highlights WOFD

Student Photo Project Highlights West Oneonta Fire Department By TED MEBUSTONEONTA August Heminway, a SUNY Oneonta senior currently pursuing a degree in political science and criminal justice, recently introduced an individual photojournalism project documenting the West Oneonta Fire Department. In addition to his extracurricular activities as president of the college’s Taekwondo Club, Heminway serves as president of the Photo Society. The scope of his project, Heminway noted, combined his academic and personal interests to display an aspect of local life…