01-26-23 – Page 2 – All Otsego


01-26-23 - Page 2


Fire District Holds First Meeting After December Election

Fire District Holds First Meeting After December Election By CASPAR EWIGFLY CREEKThe newly-constituted Board of Fire Commissioners of the Fly Creek Fire District held its annual organizational meeting and first monthly meeting on Thursday, January 12. The agenda moved forward in an organized manner and was free from the discord that had marked the recent election. “We’re going to start with a clean slate,” said Sam Hoskins, who was elected chairman of the board on December 13.At the outset, Hoskins…


SUNY Student Running for Common Council

SUNY Student Running for Common Council By TED MEBUSTONEONTASUNY Oneonta political science major and Maryland, New York native Andrew Hamill announced his candidacy for Oneonta Common Council in December, running as a member of his own party, “Unity for Oneonta.” Hamill hopes to bring accountability and pragmatism to the council, vowing to lead with a spirit of compromise. “We need Common Council members who are willing, and dedicated to reason and building a consensus with their constituents,” said Hamill. “As…


The Dog Charmer: Tackling One Dog’s Need for Attention, Another’s Need To Explore

The Dog Charmer Tackling One Dog’s Need for Attention, Another’s Need To Explore Dear Tom When you look at the picture, it’s hard to believe that this dog can be so frustrating for me. He is good when we are here alone, but when guests come, he becomes so hard to manage. He wants to be the center of attention and won’t leave people alone. I filled a hollow bone with meat today when a friend stopped by and that…


Citizen Science: Introduction to Citizen Science: Finding Intellectual Security

Citizen Science No. 1 by Jamie Zvirzdin Introduction to Citizen Science: Finding Intellectual Security Imagine you’re sitting in science class. On the paper before you, there’s a homework problem you don’t understand. You raise your hand to seek clarity, but the teacher responds, “Oh, that problem is easy! Just use your intuition.” The teacher then rattles off a bunch of specialized words—science jargon—you just learned. “Thanks,” you say out loud, but your muddied thoughts are joined by the cold chill…



PEOPLE & BUSINESSES IN THE NEWS January 26, 2023 CLERK OFF THE CLOCK: Kathy Sinnott Gardner, who has served as Otsego County clerk since 2003, recently announced her retirement from the position. After nearly three decades of service to Otsego County in total, her term will end on December 31, 2023. A Republican, Gardner plans to pursue new career opportunities, saying she will “miss serving the people of Otsego County.” Current Otsego County Deputy Clerk Jennifer Basile, also a Republican,…


Town Board Reviewing Cannabis Retail Law

Town Board Reviewing Cannabis Retail Law ONEONTAThe Oneonta Town Board discussed Local Law No. 1, “Cannabis Retail Dispensary Law of the Town of Oneonta,” during its January 11 public hearing and meeting. The draft law seeks to provide zoning district locations and regulations governing cannabis retail dispensary establishments. “It is the express purpose and intent … to minimize the adverse impacts that cannabis retail dispensaries may have on adjacent properties and to provide standards for the placement, design, siting, safety,…