03-09-23 – All Otsego




Bound Volumes: March 9, 2023

Bound Volumes March 9, 2023 185 YEARS AGOA recent transaction at Washington having resulted in the murder of Jonathan Cilley, a Representative in Congress from the State of Maine, by an adherence of certain individuals to a relic of barbarism falsely termed the law of honor, (peculiar to bloody-minded men in all ages) the undersigned deem it expedient that a meeting of citizens of the County of Otsego be called and a public expression of their opinion on the subject…


Hometown History: March 9, 2023

Hometown History March 9, 2023 135 Years AgoThe season 1888 opens with the biggest real estate deal yet recorded for Oneonta in the purchase by Geo. I. Wilber, from A.C. Lewis, of all remaining to the latter of the old Ford place, 156.75 feet on Main Street, at about $30,000. This includes the east half of the Union Block, 22.5 feet, a fine four-story brick building, store on the street and three flats above – as well as a large…