03/16/2023 – All Otsego




Otsego Town Board Tables Discussion of Tax Exemption

Otsego Town Board Tables Discussion of Tax Exemption By CASPAR EWIGFLY CREEK At its last meeting, the Otsego Town Board reviewed the recent New York legislative rule that gave local taxing authorities the option to grant a 10 percent property tax exemption to qualified volunteer firemen and EMT workers. After a lengthy discussion, the board voted to table the issue pending further review by the town’s attorney, Will Green. At the meeting, Green pointed out that volunteers would have to…


Oneonta Artist Captures Essence of Our Region Using Spray Paint

Oneonta Artist Captures Essence of Our Region Using Spray Paint By IAN KENYONONEONTA On a 2015 visit to San Francisco, James Mcilroy stopped to observe a work by Austrian urban and graffiti artist, Nychos. The split animal anatomy in a spray paint medium left an impression on the curious Mcilroy that opened a new thought process—and inevitably would result in a major public artistic contribution to the community back home in Oneonta, bringing new life to the historic Ford Sales…


News Briefs 03/16/2023

News Briefs ‘AI: Perils and Potential’Discussion is Next Tuesday ONEONTA—United University Professions Oneonta will sponsor a panel discussion program on artificial intelligence, “AI: Perils and Potential,” on Tuesday, March 21 at noon in Le Café, Morris Complex, SUNY Oneonta. The panel will consist of SUNY Oneonta President Dr. Alberto Cardelle, UUP Oneonta President and Professor of Africana and Latinx Studies and Political Science Dr. Robert Compton, and Dr. Kjersti VanSlyke-Briggs, coordinator, Ed Tech Program, and professor, English Education. Audience questions…


Paintings Travel to Los Angeles for Solo Exhibit

Paintings Travel to Los Angeles for Solo Exhibit By TERESA WINCHESTERGILBERTSVILLE It’s a long way from Carrie Mae Smith’s Italianate stone house in Gilbertsville to Los Angeles and Lowell Ryan Projects, a split-level art gallery with an art deco exterior. Nevertheless, Smith made the 2,764-mile trip with her husband, Greg Watson, on February 14 to open her first solo exhibit at the gallery, which welcomes artists whose work crosses disciplinary boundaries. “It’s the most significant gallery show I’ve had to…


NYCAMH Facing Budget Difficulties

NYCAMH Facing Budget Difficulties Seeks To Raise Awareness By TARA BARNWELLFLY CREEK On Tuesday, March 7, the New York Farm Bureau held a virtual press conference to voice its support for the New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health and to highlight budget issues currently being faced by NYCAMH. NYCAMH has a simple mission statement: “Enhancing agricultural and rural health by preventing and treating occupational injury and illness.”…


Furever Friends and Purrfect Pals

Furever Friends and Purrfect Pals Animals are good for us. They offer emotional support. They listen. They do not judge. And they are there when we feel lonely. They increase our opportunities to get outside, to exercise and to socialize. They love us unconditionally. This new weekly photo series highlights our pets—whether furry, feathered or scaled; with fins, paws or hooves—in recognition of the important role they play in our lives. We invite you to send your pictures to darlay@allotsego.com. Every…


On the Prowl

On the Prowl ONEONTA—Molly, an 8-year-old Bengal cat owned by avid photographer David Oroszi, already has a fan following. Pictures of Molly were shared online by Davenport Veterinary Clinic, where she is a patient. The photo above has received more than 13,000 views! We invite you to send pictures of your furry, feathered or finned friends to darlay@allotsego.com. Every week, we’ll select at least one photograph to be highlighted in the newspapers. In the coming days, Molly and a host…


K-Boy’s Little Buddy

K-Boy’s Little Buddy HARTWICK—Three-year-old munchkin, Nacho, is a pasture pal for the Manee family’s 23-year-old quarter horse, K-Boy. Nacho does his job well, which is to keep K-Boy young, and we’re told “he’s a little spicy”—living up to his name. We invite you to send pictures of your furry, feathered or finned friends to darlay@allotsego.com. Every week, we’ll select at least one photograph to be highlighted in the newspapers. In the coming days, Nacho, K-Boy and a host of other…


The Partial Observer: What Are We Doing? Activity at Averill Road Property Questioned

The Partial Observer by Douglas Zamelis, Esq. What Are We Doing? Activity atAverill Road Property Questioned It’s common knowledge Templeton Foundation seeks to build a large housing development on its property on Averill Road in the Village of Cooperstown. The village zoning law requires a special permit prior to construction and state law requires that prior to granting approval, the Board of Trustees must assess and mitigate the project’s environmental impacts. Because the project is in an historic district and…

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