03/16/2023 – Page 2 – All Otsego


03/16/2023 - Page 2


Life Sketches: Retired Poultry Farmer Recalls ‘Roger’s Colossus’ in Face of Avian Flu Epidemic

Life Sketches by Terry Berkson Retired Poultry FarmerRecalls ‘Roger’s Colossus’in Face of Avian Flu Epidemic Recently, Roger and Diane Vaughn—who operated the only small commercial poultry farm situated along the Route 20 corridor between Albany and Syracuse—retired. Theirs was one of about 15 remaining egg-laying operations in the state. At one time, there were 15 small farms like theirs within a 15-mile radius. Then, the average setup consisted of about 300,000 birds, which made the Vaughns’ flock of poultry look…


Desert Dispatch: Hiking Offers Temporary Distraction from the Difficulties of Today

Desert Dispatch by Richard deRosa Hiking Offers Temporary Distractionfrom the Difficulties of Today While hiking the last few days, we have seen the first blush of spring blooms, aided by more rain in these parts than we have ever experienced at this time of year. Fairy dusters, lovely pale pink flowers, are popping up everywhere along the trails we hike. Brittlebush, whose bright yellow blooms are a staple of the desert landscape, are also getting into high gear. A birding…


Noteworthy: Opioids: Examine the Risks, Benefits, Alternatives

News from the Noteworthy: LEAF Opioids: Examine the Risks, Benefits, Alternatives Pain. It’s an unfortunate, often highly impactful, fact of life. Some pain is in the moment, like stubbing your toe or accidently touching a hot surface. Some pain can be lasting, such as back, knee, nerve and neck pain. Because of these things, most people will need a version of pain control at some point in their life. There may even be a point where a medical provider suggests…


Fasanelli: Trustee Candidate Looking To Serve

Letter from George Fasanelli Trustee Candidate Looking To Serve I was born and raised in the Bronx, New York. I graduated from Queens College of the City University in 1977 and received my MBA from St. Joseph’s College on Long Island. I retired after 34 years of service with the Suffolk County Police Department at the rank of deputy inspector. In addition to my time on patrol, I was an investigator with the Internal Affairs Bureau, the commanding officer of…


Kirsch To Bassett: Please Keep FCF Open

Letter from Emma Kirsch To Bassett: Please Keep FCF Open I have been a member of FoxCare Fitness for many years. I am asking Bassett to reconsider the decision to close the facility for the following reasons: • It is an extremely valuable asset to our senior community, who rely upon it for essential exercise and fitness training. • All of the staff are personable, professional, and extremely helpful and kind to all.…


Peterson: Health Needs Outweigh Profits

Letter from Suzanne Peterson Health Needs Outweigh Profits Through cardiac rehab, I came to FoxCare gym. The program changed my life after open heart surgery and Guillain-Barré syndrome. Graduating cardiac rehab on December 12, I immediately joined with my husband, paying for a year with lockers. FoxCare gym is safe. Like so many members, I have illnesses that cause severe discomfort at regular gyms. FoxCare gym is routine, purpose, safe haven. I’m 53, with Celiac disease, chronic nerve pain, anxiety,…


Mebust: Coop Village Election is Next Tuesday

Letter from Lynne Mebust Coop Village Election is Next Tuesday Elections for village trustee are coming up on March 21, 2023. There are two outstanding candidates running for two positions. Joe Membrino is an incumbent who has diligently served residents as a trustee who approaches his work thoughtfully, with attention to detail, and a strong sense of fiscal responsibility. Joe’s leadership on the Water and Sewer Board has been especially impactful as the wastewater treatment plant upgrades were completed.…


Editorial: A Syrupy Salute to Spring

Editorial A Syrupy Salute to Spring Last Sunday the annual Sugaring Off celebration, heralding the evasive but long-hoped-for beginning of spring, made its first appearance of the season at The Farmers’ Museum. This event, which runs for four Sundays, offers maple syrup and everything that goes with it to myriad visitors; the village and farm buildings are open for exploration, and the animals are eager for a pat on the head. Sugaring Off Sundays anticipates the April opening of the…


Walker: Sadness, Anger at FCF Closing

A Letter from Shirley Walker Sadness, Anger at FCF Closing Having heard the news of our fitness center closing, it brought a lot of emotion and wondering why, after all this time, it had to happen. I am in my 90s and I doubt I would have made it this far without my regular exercise classes at FoxCare Fitness. The employees and all my fellow members are a wonderful group and enjoy being at the FoxCare facility. It makes me…


Committee: Project Prom Seeks Support

Letter from Cooperstown Project Prom Fundraising Committee Project Prom Seeks Support Spring is just around the corner and the planning for Cooperstown High School’s prom and Project Prom is underway! The Class of 2023 is ready to celebrate! Project Prom began in 1984 at Cooperstown and provides prom attendees a safe, alcohol- and drug-free, fun night of entertainment, food, and raffles. The event is held at the Clark Sports Center and ends at dawn.…