03/16/2023 – Page 3 – All Otsego


03/16/2023 - Page 3


Phillips: Therapool Loss a Real Concern

Letter from Emily Phillips Therapool Loss a Real Concern FoxCare Fitness closing has a hidden downside to the percentage of us who cannot just “go to another gym.” I and several like me can ONLY exercise with the therapool and were given PT instruction on what to do when in there. We cannot go to endless PT to keep using the pool, insurance does not allow that. There are no other local options with a warm pool. It will be…


Lynk: Fitness Center Needs Community Support

Letter from Randy Lynk Fitness Center NeedsCommunity Support As many have seen, there has been quite a bit of pushback regarding the announcement of FoxCare Fitness closing. I am among those who are a little dubious about my local healthcare provider when they decide that preventative care is not worth investing in. Particularly when that investment pays off most to senior citizens and other more vulnerable people in our community. I am hopeful with the pushback and news of collaboration…


Membrino: Candidate Urges Citizens To Vote

Letter from Joseph R. Membrino Candidate Urges Citizens To Vote On March 5, 2020, the League of Women Voters held a forum in the Village Hall Board Room. By luck of the draw, I was chosen among the three candidates for trustee to take the first question from the audience. A voter asked, “What will you do to address COVID-19.” At that time, we could not have known what the pandemic would mean to our families, our village and our…


Bassett at 100: No Easy Answers for Complex Challenges

Bassett at 100 by Dr. Tommy Ibrahim No Easy Answers forComplex Challenges New Developments for FoxCare Fitness Dear Friends, Neighbors and Colleagues, Our patients and communities are at the center of everything we do, as you have been for more than 100 years. We believe that the best way to do this is as a local, independently governed health system. With this goal in mind, it is vital that we are always looking at where there may be inefficiencies in…


ZBA Denies Short-term Rental Application

ZBA Denies Short-termRental Application By CASPAR EWIGCOOPERSTOWN Last Tuesday, March 7, 2023—in front of an overflow, standing-room-only crowd—the Village of Cooperstown Zoning Board of Appeals considered and ultimately denied an application by Mark and Margaret Curley, the owners of 40 Lake Street, to permit four of the residence’s five bedrooms to be used for short-term rentals. Prior to the hearing, the ZBA had received 24 letters and/or e-mails, all of which expressed the writers’ objection to the application. The same…


CFOC Opens 2023 Awards Cycle

CFOC Opens 2023 Awards Cycle $150K in Funds Available; First Deadline is June 15 SPRINGFIELD As of March 1, the Community Foundation of Otsego County is accepting applications for its 2023 Awards Cycle. According to a recent press release, this year’s cycle includes the following new features: $150,000.00 total to be allocated. There are three categories—“Strengthening Our Community,” “Strengthening Our Nonprofits” and “Addressing Immediate Needs.” Deadlines: The first-round closes June 15, 2023 and the second round closes October 15, 2023.…


Students Raise Funds for OHS Drama Club

‘Be Our Guest’ Students Raise Fundsfor OHS Drama Club By JOEL J. PLUEONEONTA Student cast members of Oneonta High School’s upcoming production of “Beauty and the Beast” were on hand to meet and greet members of the public at a special Disney Character Breakfast fund-raiser held in the school cafeteria on Saturday, March 4. Despite ominous clouds overhead and a snowstorm the previous evening, community members turned up in large numbers to support the students and local arts. Attendees—undeterred by…