
03/23/2023 - Page 2


Citizen Science: ‘Science Says So’: Sifting Evidence-Based Science from Pseudoscience

While the analogy of “panning for science” has as many holes as a sieve, it is true that we humans are easily fooled by false scientific claims. Hope springs eternal: If it worked for them, surely it will work for me, too, we think. But a testimonial is not science. Real scientists—and citizens who understand science—will stop and sift the gathered data very carefully before joining the ranks of eager squealers.…


Noteworthy: Tunnel Vision – Hoop Houses Extend Growing Season

News from the Noteworthy: Sustainable Otsego Tunnel Vision – Hoop Houses Extend Growing Season Farmers have sought protection from climate and weather since the beginning of agriculture. Gardeners of Roman emperor Tiberius are credited with creating the first greenhouse “effect” by placing sheets of selenite, a translucent form of gypsum, over winter crops. Now climate change is bringing extremes of heat and cold, rain bombs, blights, and other challenges. An increasingly popular and economical protection for row crops is the…


Guest Editorial: Keep FoxCare Fitness Open, Please

Guest Editorial by Anne Donovan Keep FoxCare Fitness Open, Please The closure of FoxCare Fitness gym is ill-advised and unwarranted. Denying about 750 members from looking after their own health by exercising and thereby practicing “preventative care” at the gym is irresponsible. Many of these members are following up after cardio and physio therapy. This gym has been open for 24 years and no is the time to encourage a way forward again. COVID times have been tough on all…


Tausta: FoxCare Fitness: All or Nothing?

Letter from Pamela Fitch Tausta FoxCare Fitness: All or Nothing? I’ve been a member of FoxCare Fitness for over 20 years. In spite of what is being said, it is the gym most comfortable for middle and old age people. I have been to other gyms and find users leave the equipment laying around, eat potato chips while resting on the equipment, and never wipe off the equipment after sweating on it. FoxCare Fitness users put back the equipment, wipe…


Oxley: ZBA Correct in 40 Lake Decision

Letter from Celia Oxley ZBA Correct in 40 Lake Decision There was much public opposition to the granting of a Special Use Permit for short-term rentals at 40 Lake Street. The Zoning Board of Appeals was correct to deny the permit at a hearing on March 7. From the board’s discussion after the hearing was closed to the public, it seemed that the issue of incidental use was paramount to their decision to deny. The village zoning laws require short-term…


Luke: ‘Big Picture’ Questioned

Letter from Elmer Luke ‘Big Picture’ Questioned Dr. Ibrahim’s essay of March 16, 2023 demonstrates well its headline, “No Easy Answers for Complex Challenges.” He offers none. He refers to inefficiencies and redundancies he has sought to eliminate. But as his actions have hollowed out medical care and services, what are Bassett patients left with? It has become increasingly difficult to get medical attention. Schedulers are like guards at the door, telling us to go elsewhere or to see an…


Lord: Zamelis Piece Buried Last Week

Letter from Paul Lord Zamelis Piece Buried Last Week Please help me here. I want to thank you for publishing lawyer Zamelis’ letter in the March 16 edition of “The Freeman’s Journal,” but I also want to understand why that news, if it is true, was buried on page 8. It appears Zamelis’ story is the most important local news found in that edition of “The Freeman’s Journal.” Why is there no mention of the story on page 1? Will…


Howarth: Character of Village Must Be Preserved

Letter from Jim Howarth Character of VillageMust Be Preserved Last week, the Cooperstown Zoning Board of Appeals unanimously turned down a special use permit for the owners of 40 Lake Street to allow short-term rental tenants. I am writing to thank the ZBA for their decision. While one cannot know the motivation for the board’s decision, it seems obvious that the regulation that such rentals must be an “incidental use” to the property played a part. Their proposal would have…


Kreischer: Support for FoxCare Fitness Is Strong

Letter from Jane Kreischer Support for FoxCare Fitness Is Strong I’m sure this will not be your first, nor your last, letter imploring you to reconsider your decision to close FoxCare Fitness Center. Please understand that this letter is written with the utmost respect for both the Bassett system and the healthcare it offers. Most of us have been in the community for more than 50 years, and we have used every doctor, every facility, and every service it offers.…


Hymas: Camera Installation an Orwellian Nightmare

Letter from George Hymas Camera Installation an Orwellian Nightmare The Village of Cooperstown is proposing to install surveillance cameras in public areas of the village. The deployment of the cameras would be under the guise of protection against crime and to enhance public safety. The police will monitor, access, and retain the data and images captured by the cameras. The slippery slope of surveillance is an assault on privacy and has a chilling effect on protest and dissent and could…