


This Week: 09-12-24

THIS WEEK’S NEWSPAPERS The Freeman’s Journal • Hometown Oneonta September 12, 2024 Front Page County Representatives Discuss Electrification and Sprinklers, COVID and Foreclosures A Celebration of Life and Fond Farewell Recognition for a Job Well Done Eagle Scout Project Helps Retire Old American Flags Inside Winners of Foundation’s Annual Beautification Contest Announced Otsego County Workforce Challenges Are Daunting for Both Public, Private Sectors Clarification New Shop Glimmers on Chestnut Street SFCU Opens Service Location in Morris Growing Community Readies for…

Bound Volumes: September 12, 2024

210 YEARS AGO: Song—I asked my fair one happy day—What should I call her in my lay? By what sweet name from Rome or Greece? Iphigenia, Clelia, Chloris, Laura, Lesbia, Delia, Doris, Dorimene or Lucrece? Ah! Replied my gentle fair, Beloved, what are names but air? Take thou whate’er suits the line, Clelia, Iphigenia, Chloris, Laura, Lesbia, Delia, Doris, But don’t forget to call me thine.
September 14, 1814…

Hometown History: September 12, 2024

110 YEARS AGO: The State Education Department has made public a list of students of the public schools of the state who have passed the examinations necessary for college entrance diplomas and who are eligible for state scholarships under the amended school law of 1913. Those eligible and their test averages from Oneonta are: Riley Crippen (90.38); Alice E. Kilkenny (83.8); Earnestine Ethlyn Morse (77.7); George Herbert Fletcher (77.57); and Stuart Grant (70.5).…

Happenin’ Otsego: 09-12-24

ARTS & CRAFTS—5 p.m. “Primitive Sunflowers.” Free; registration required. Donations appreciated. Harris Memorial Library, 334 Main Street, Otego. (607) 988-6661 or visit…