


Otsego County To Benefit from Conservation Grants

The grants were awarded through the Small Watershed Grants program, a key funding mechanism of the federal-state Chesapeake Bay Program designed to support projects within the Chesapeake Bay watershed that promote voluntary, community-based efforts to protect and restore the diverse and vital habitats of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributary rivers and streams.…


Literacy Volunteers To Celebrate 50 Years This Sunday

“Each student is unique,” said Executive Director Jeanne Ellsworth. “We help them to achieve a variety of goals, from reading a simple story to their children or the instructions on a prescription bottle, to getting a driver’s license or a job, to passing the High School Equivalency or U.S. Citizenship exams. We welcome both native speakers and those for whom English is a new language. And we welcome new tutors, the lifeblood of our organization.”…


Preservation League Announces Call for Nominations for Seven to Save Program

This call for nominations will result in the listing of seven at-risk sites. Sites selected for the Seven to Save program will receive enhanced attention from the Preservation League’s experienced advocacy and technical assistance staff from January 2025 through December 2026. The Preservation League remains active with Seven to Save sites beyond their initial listing as needed.…