


This Week: 09-26-24

THIS WEEK’S NEWSPAPERS The Freeman’s Journal • Hometown Oneonta September 26, 2024 Front Page City Council Approves Stage, Discusses Zoning of Markets Community Speaks Out For and Against Sign Law Amendment Nonagenarian Channels Dylan in Sculpture, Paintings Inside Group Receives Foundation Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Grant Meet, Greet To Share Info on High Holy Days OFA Senior Resource Fair Set for October 1 Help Pick the 2025 Winter Carnival Theme Hudson Highlands Bikers Make Helios Donation Birthday Luncheon at the Sunflower…

Bound Volumes: September 26, 2024

185 YEARS AGO: On Friday, the 13th instant, a committee of five persons, (Messrs, Prentiss, Foote, Starkweather, Bowne and Pease) repaired to Fort Plain in two Barouches, and waited upon the President of the United States (Martin Van Buren) at that place. At nine o’clock the next morning, he took a seat in a handsome barouche drawn by four elegant cream-colored horses, and, accompanied by several other carriages he proceeded on the route to Springfield Corners, where they arrived at…

Hometown History

135 YEARS AGO: The new perfecting press of the Eckerson Printing Press Company was tested last week at the manufactory at Cohoes, and worked like a charm. To see a press print on both sides of paper at one time from flat beds of type at the rate of several thousand impressions per hour, is a novelty which will doubtless attract the attention of printers, there being, no other press like it. The press is for job work, and also…

Happenin’ Otsego: 09-26-24

GARDEN—4-6 p.m. “CCE Evening Programs in the Garden: Harvesting and Cover Crops.” Discussion and Q&A with Master Gardener volunteers and professionals. Demonstration Garden, Cornell Cooperative Extension, 123 Lake Street, Cooperstown. (607) 547-2536 or visit…