$1.9 trillion aid package – All Otsego


$1.9 trillion aid package


WALLER: Point – Give Federal Largesse To You, Me

ISSUE & DEBATE POINT: Give Federal Largesse To You, Me Editor’s Note: This is citizen Bill Waller’s recommendation in a March 29 letter to the Cooperstown Village Board on how to spend its expected share from the $1.9 trillion Biden Stimulus Plan. Dear Mayor Tillapaugh and the Board of Trustees; I read with interest statements relating to the benefits coming to Cooperstown from the recently enacted American Rescue Plan (ARP). According to press accounts, this could be nearly $350,000. In…


32 Million From $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Headed Our Way

32 Million From $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Headed Our Way Biden Makes Us ‘Whole’, Ruffles Says By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com After a year of hemorrhaging losses, the Biden Stimulus Plan will make Otsego County government “whole,” according to County Treasurer Allen Ruffles. “That’s what I would think,” Ruffles said, after reviewing the news he was planning to deliver when the county Board of Representatives met Wednesday, April 7, for its monthly meeting. “It would make us whole.” In…



CLICK HERE FOR LIST OF ALLOCATIONS BIDEN ALLOCATES $23 MILLION IN AID TO OTSEGO COUNTY President Signs Bill Today; All Municipalities To Benefit By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – Otsego County’s government and its municipalities will share $23,336,987 through the federal $1.9 trillion aid bill President Biden signed this afternoon, County Treasurer Allen Ruffles confirmed a new minutes ago. County government itself will receive $11,628,479 of the total. The City of Oneonta tops the list of municipalities,…