10 Chestnut St – All Otsego


10 Chestnut St


Public debates Chestnut Street project

Public debates Chestnut Street project About 30 speakers discuss pros, cons of Chestnut Crossing apartments in lengthy public hearing By GREG KLEIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN — More than 50 people packed the Cooperstown Central School cafeteria for a public hearing on the proposed Chestnut Crossing apartment complex at 10 Chestnut St. The Cooperstown Village Board of Trustees moved the meeting to the middle/high school because of the public hearing, the first official chance for residents to speak for…


Our View: Move forward on housing in Cooperstown

Our View Move forward on housing in Cooperstown One would like to believe that Cooperstown, once referred to as “America’s Favorite Hometown,” is a thriving, dynamic community. A walk down Main Street in July or August, with crowds of people swarming the streets and shops, would suggest that it is indeed as billed. The same walk in January or February, with darkened, shuttered store fronts and empty parking spaces, would offer a very different impression. When the remarkable increase in…


Developer Withdraws From ‘Grove’ Project To Build Apartments

10 CHESTNUT NEIGHBORS OBJECTED Developer Withdraws Application For ‘Grove,’ 12-Apartment Project By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – The developer of “The Grove,” Josh Edmonds, said today he has withdrawn his application for the 12-unit apartment house at 10 Chestnut St. “It didn’t seem productive to keep the application in progress at this moment,” said Edmonds, a partner in Simple Integrity, the contracting and construction company. The project, located between Chestnut Street and Pine Boulevard, a half-block up…