10th anniversary – All Otsego


10th anniversary


Local Eatery Celebrates 10th Year

“We wear a lot of hats,” Alex said. “One of my goals for the first year were open was to have worked and operated every position. I wanted to be ready to work any station needed. Some days I will be cooking your meals, others I will be seating you for your reservation. My dad will be prepping and completing catering jobs, or maybe dropping off your delivery for lunch.”…


Libby Found Love, Work, Heartbreak — And Home

MANAGING EDITOR MARKS 10TH Libby Found Love, Work, Heartbreak — And Home Editor’s Note: What a decade! Her friends and colleagues celebrated Manager Editor Libby Cudmore’s 10th anniversary among us on production day, Tuesday, Dec. 10, and agreed to write this memoir. By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special To www.AllOTSEGO.com There’s a lot for Ian and I to celebrate in December. Our families do Christmas, Yule and Hanukkah, our original anniversary, the New Year’s Eve to cap it all off. But…


On Its 10th Anniversary, 3-Year Bachelor Degree Still A Boon To Hartwick

95 ENROLLED; PEAK WAS 120 On Its 10th Anniversary, 3-Year Bachelor Degree Still A Boon To Hartwick By JIM KEVLIN • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com ONEONTA – To Brittany Hall of Milford, Hartwick College’s three-year-degree program – now marking its 10th anniversary – isn’t just about saving $40,000 on a bachelor’s degree, although that’s enticement enough. Before making her decision, she scouted all nursing programs within an hour, and realized the hour commute each day would prevent her from working part time…


BOCES Unveils Plaque In Fallen GI’s Memory

BOCES Unveils Plaque In Fallen GI’s Memory Michael Mayne’s Family At Ceremony ONC BOCES Principal Ryan DeMars, top photo,  examines the plaque dedicated yesterday at the Milford campus in memory of Army Cpl. Michael L. Mayne of Burlington Flats, who died Feb. 23, 2009, a decade ago, while  serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom. In Corporal Mayne’s memory, BOCES Assistant Superintendent Joe Booan led a candlelight ceremony, which was attended by his parents, Lee and Cathy, inset photo.  Mayne, then 21, was…


Guru, Followers Mark Retreat House’s 10th

PHAKCHOK RINPOCHE IN COUNTY Guru, Followers Mark Retreat House’s 10th Phakchok Rinpoche, the direct descendant of Taklung Kagyu, founder of Tibetan Buddhism, ministers to his followers this afternoon at his Rangjung Yeshe Gomde Meditation Center on Glimmerglen Road, outside of Cooperstown, at an open house marking the 10th anniversary of the retreat house’s founding.  The guru’s wife, Khandrola, is to his right; translator Oriane LaVole, to his left. The weekend-long celebration included local followers, as well as Tibetans from a…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, JULY 15 Take Garden & Landscape Tour TOUR – 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Travel the country roads and discover the landscape and how people have enhanced it with their garden schemes. This years tour will be through the Cooperstown area. Pre-registration required for directions to first garden. All must being tour before 1 p.m. Cost, $18. 607-278-5454 or visit westkc.org/event/2018-landscape-garden-tour/ MEET & GREET – 4 – 6 p.m. Meet Joyce St. George who is running for the…