


This Week: 11-21-24

  THIS WEEK’S NEWSPAPERS The Freeman’s Journal • Hometown Oneonta November 21, 2024 Front Page  Town Clerk Keeps Business Moving in Hartwick Despite Inner Conflicts, Resignations NYCAMH Honored By Excellus Angel Tree Program Celebrates Spirit of Christmas Inside Dissatisfaction Brewing About Ommegang’s Handling of Volunteers ‘Tosca’ Airs at Foothills Saturday NAACP Hosts Film Screening Food Drive Supports Vets 53 Pioneer Restoration Announced; Fundraising Goal Set at $2M Students To Present Solutions for Local Needs Reception Planned By Renowned Photographer Kasterine…

Bound Volumes: November 21, 2024

135 YEARS AGO: More on the Rev. C. Hudson Smith (who, had been pastor, 1883-1885, of the First Presbyterian Church, Cooperstown): Some points deserve to be stated in order to set at rest rumors and conjectures that Mr. Smith may be still alive. The relatives and family friends accept fully the suicide as a fact, and this seems most plainly indicated by a simple circumstance. Mr. Smith was afflicted with astigmatic vision, requiring a peculiar form of lens. These were…

Hometown History: November 21, 2024

90 YEARS AGO: Inherited monkey characteristics are responsible for humankind’s widespread use of the telephone, radio, talking pictures, and similar inventions, Dr. Orestes Caldwell, engineer and editor, asserts. “Outstanding traits of the monkey tribe,” said Dr. Caldwell, “are love of chatter and overwhelming curiosity – traits which have carried our own evolution to its present level of civilization. Monkeys like to gather in the treetops and chatter. And today, their human descendants delight to gather in conventions, night clubs, legislatures…

Happenin’ Otsego: 11-21-24

GALA—6:30-9:30 p.m. “FilmOtsego Inaugural Gala.” Complimentary libations, hors d’oeuvres and celebration of the mission to bring the film industry to the greater Leatherstocking Region. Foothills Performing Arts and Civic Center, 24 Market Street, Oneonta. (607) 431-2080 or visit…