


This Week: 11-28-24

THIS WEEK’S NEWSPAPERS The Freeman’s Journal • Hometown Oneonta November 28, 2024 Front Page Viewing Platform Project Plans on Hold Residents Oppose Tax Hike, Request More Transparency Cemetery Gate Restoration Gets Underway This Week Inside Voices of Cooperstown Re-Sound Pulitzer Prize-winning Journalist Speaks on Election Implications Hill City Celebrations Gearing Up for Festival of Lights, First Night Loeffler Receives 2024 Fetterman Award Fly Creek Cider Mill Raises $3365 In Support of Cancer Patient Services Helios Care ‘Chip in Fore Hospice’…

Bound Volumes: November 28, 2024

160 YEARS AGO: Is the policy of the Administration “Peace” on a fair and liberal basis? The great majority of the people, North and South, earnestly desire Peace; but can the rulers at Washington and Richmond agree on terms? Peace on the basis of the “extermination of slavery” appears to be the program of the Administration. The abandonment of slavery was insisted on by Mr. Lincoln before the election; and now that the people have sustained him at the polls,…

Hometown History: November 28, 2024

70 YEARS AGO: Last week in New York, three youths were arrested on charges of being narcotic wholesalers for one-third of Harlem. Police estimate that the ring of three youths and their minor peddlers were realizing from $2,000 to $3,000 in profits daily. Marijuana comes from the Indian hemp plant—an inoffensive looking weed, which can be grown unnoticed in any state in the Union. The tremendous profit motive encourages get-rich-quick opportunists to trade in illicit drugs. One of the largest…

Happenin’ Otsego: 11-28-24

BENEFIT—8:30 a.m. “Thanksgiving Morning Walk/Run.” Benefit for the Cooperstown Food Pantry. Choose your speed/distance. Donate online or bring in the morning of. Registration required. Meet at Clark Sports Center parking lot, 124 County Highway 52, Cooperstown. (607) 282-0626 or visit…