


This Week: 12-05-24

THIS WEEK’S NEWSPAPERS The Freeman’s Journal • Hometown Oneonta December 5, 2024 Front Page Treasurer Virginia Lee Provides Clarification on City Budget Community Works Together To Plan Holiday Weekend Oberacker Kicks Off Winter Coat Drive Inside Limestone Mansion: A Bright Future for Cherry Valley’s Beloved B&B Fundraiser Will Support Business Group, CV-S ‘HQ’ Program Rotary Club Supports New Food Program for Cancer Patients Compassionate Friends To Hold Candle Lighting Ceremony ZapOte To Bring Fiery Latin Jazz to Cooperstown News Briefs…

Bound Volumes: December 5, 2024

210 YEARS AGO: Martial Hymn by Wm. Ray—Arm! Sons of freedom arm! The British legions come! Blow loud the trumpet of alarm, And roll the thund’ring drum! Fly to repel the foe! Your dearest rights to save—Crush the dire monster at a blow, Ye spirits of the brave! Shall Britons, drunk with blood, Your peaceful shores invade? Shall the fell despots of the flood, Your conquerors be made? Forbid it mighty God! My country, O forbid! No, let us nail…

Hometown History: December 5, 2024

90 YEARS AGO: Denouncing the liquor traffic as “Public Enemy No. 1,” Mrs. Ella A. Boole, veteran dry crusader, called for its complete destruction and declared that not a single promise by repeal advocates has been kept. Looking back over twelve months of repeal, Mrs. Boole said it not only had “not changed the nature or effects of alcohol,” but had failed to live up to its financial and sociological promises. “Prohibition,” she predicted, “will return. How and when I…

Happenin’ Otsego: 12-05-24

HOLIDAYS—9 a.m. to 6 p.m. “Annual Holiday Artisans Market.” Continues through 12/8. Butternut Valley Arts & Crafts Center, 124 Main Street, Morris. (607) 263-2150 or visit…