12-29-22 – All Otsego




Morning Coffee Miracle: A Return to the Power of Local Community

Morning Coffee Miracle: A Return to the Power of Local Community By JAMIE ZVIRZDINRICHFIELD SPRINGS – When I first visited my husband’s family in Richfield Springs back in 2007, my new grandma-in-law, Joyce Zvirzdin, told me what a thriving place Richfield Springs had been, how bustling the downtown area used to be—the restaurants, the spas, the shops, the cafés. I told her I wished I could have seen it. Fast-forward to May 31, 2021, when the whole Zvirzdin family went…


KEGELMAN: Fire Commissioner Campaign Questioned

Letter from Joan Kegelman Fire Commissioner Campaign Questioned It is our opinion that the residents of the Fly Creek Fire District were misled during the campaign regarding the recent election. It is unfortunate that there are people who continue to jeopardize the safety and wellbeing of our residents by insisting the district doesn’t have to follow state-mandated guidelines because “we do things differently in Fly Creek.” I understand that when the town clerk/district treasurer was asked by several residents inquiring…


Trustees Hear Housing Development Proposal

Trustees Hear Housing Development Proposal COOPERSTOWNCooperstown’s Board of Trustees heard the summary of a zoning application by Templeton Foundation on behalf of Bassett Healthcare from Joseph Piraino and Scott Freeman of Keplinger Freeman Associates, a landscape architectural and land planning firm based in East Syracuse, during their monthly meeting on November 28. Templeton Foundation representatives Kendra Beers-Capraro and Bob Zaleski were also present and gave information on the proposed housing development. Surveys were completed amongst hospital staff to decide which…


‘Subatomic Writing’ Author Challenging Old Notions of Science Communication

‘Subatomic Writing’ AuthorChallenging Old Notionsof Science Communication By TED MEBUST OLNEY, MD – Sitting alone in the back corner of the Richfield Springs Public Library, science writer and researcher Jamie Zvirzdin diligently crafted her latest publication, presumably with coffee in hand. It was October of 2018, six months since Zvirzdin and her son, Max, were forced to flee from Managua, Nicaragua following an outbreak of political upheaval that had flooded the capital’s streets with police and protestors. Her husband, Andrew,…


Oneonta Couple Sets Milestone in ‘Otsego Outdoors’ Challenges

Oneonta Couple Sets Milestone in ‘Otsego Outdoors’ Challenges ONEONTALee Ann and Rick Myers of Oneonta recently completed the Otsego Outdoors Fall Octet Challenge, marking the 5,000th trek made by participants in the Otsego 2000, Otsego Land Trust and Otsego County Conservation Association-led activity. Since the Octet Challenges began in February 2021, Otsego Outdoors’ mission has been to provide a comprehensive and searchable listing of every publicly accessible trail in Otsego County, helping residents and visitors enjoy the natural beauty of…


BERKSON: Ringing in the New Year: From Aunt Edna to Richfield Springs

Life Sketches by Terry Berkson Ringing in the New Year: From Aunt Edna to Richfield Springs I used to keep my Aunt Edna company on New Year’s Eve because her husband, Dave, always drove a taxi on that night. He’d sacrifice being home with his wife because in New York City the tips would be especially good and he would make a lot of needed money. My aunt would tune the television to Guy Lombardo (I secretly called him Guy…


Editorial: Resolutionary Thinking

Editorial Resolutionary Thinking With the New Year comes the tradition of setting resolutions. About 40 percent of U.S. adults set New Year’s resolutions every year. The largest demographic, at 59 percent, is young adults aged 18-34. Research shows that 95 percent of our New Year’s resolutions are fitness-related, inspired by the desire to “look better.” Despite those good intentions, after one month 43 percent will have given up their goal; after three months only 10 percent are still at it.…