150 years – All Otsego


150 years


ALL ABOARD! Highlights From The 150th Anniversary of Milford Trains

ALL ABOARD! Highlights From The 150th Anniversary of Milford Trains MILFORD – The Cooperstown-Charlotte Valley Railroad celebrates 150 years with two days of train rides, talks, ice cream, music and more Saturday – Sunday, July 13-14. 9 -11 a.m. Special Postal Cancellation by Milford Postmaster Judy Kessler @ Milford Depot 10 – 11:30 a.m.: Steam powered Train Ride W. Big Hook Demo to Milepost 6 ($30/adult, $28/seniors, $25/kids, under 3 free) 10 a.m. – Noon: Dixieland Band performs (tent in…