2017 budget – All Otsego


2017 budget


Common Council Passes $22 Million City Budget

Common Council Passes $22 Million City Budget ONEONTA – Common Council unanimously passed the $22,917,579 budget this evening. The budget included a 10 percent increase in water rates across the board to help pay for upcoming water infrastructure projects.  “We have pipes that are in need of maintenance,” said Mayor Gary Herzig. “These increases will help pay for those repairs.” The six present members all voted yay. Council Members Michelle Osterhoudt, Fourth Ward, and Russ Southard, Sixth Ward, were absent.…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for THURSDAY, NOV. 3 Forum Addresses State Of Upper Susquehanna FORUM – 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Address on state of Upper Susquehanna, panel on local government, BMP project success panel, discussion of funding, collaborative opportunities, and more. Morris Conference Center, SUNY Oneonta, 108 Ravine Pkwy., Oneonta. Info, allianceforthebay.org/2016/09/upper-susquehanna-watershed-forum/ CAREER EXPO – 9 a.m.-noon. Showcase to students career opportunities in Otsego area. Oneonta Chamber of Commerce session at ONC BOCES, 1914 Cty. Route 35, Milford. Info, Kelly Zack-Decker (607)432-4500 ext. 207…