25 main collective – All Otsego


25 main collective

Time Out Otsego: 03-07-25

OPENING RECEPTION—5-8 p.m. “The 4th Annual Youth Arts Show.” First Friday event featuring talented young local artists. Show runs through 3/30. 25 Main Collective, 21 Main Street, Cherry Valley. (607) 264-5340 or https://www.facebook.com/25maincollective/…

Time Out Otsego: 02-07-25

QUILT SHOW—11 a.m. to 4 p.m. “Fenimore Quilt Club Show.” On view through 2/16. Cooperstown Art Association, 22 Main Street, Cooperstown. (607) 547-9777 or https://www.cooperstownart.com/…

Time Out Otsego: 01-03-25

OPENING RECEPTION—5-8 p.m. “Winter Panorama.” First Friday event. Show runs through 2/2. 25 Main Collective, 21 Main Street, Cherry Valley. (607) 264-5340 or visit https://www.facebook.com/25maincollective/…


Fundraiser Will Support Business Group, CV-S ‘HQ’ Program

Holiday Ticket raffle items are already on display as of Black Friday, November 29. Now through the First Friday Open House on Friday, December 6, they can be viewed at 25 Main Collective, 21 Main Street, Cherry Valley. Starting at 6 p.m., First Friday will also feature a lighted tractor parade, Father Christmas, a Happy Haggs performance, holiday karaoke, a fire dancer, and an official tree lighting...…


Cherry Valley Business Community Prepares for Holiday Weekend

As part of Cherry Valley’s First Friday, there will be an Open House for Holiday Marketplace at 25 Main Collective, 21 Main Street, with food by Erich, plus new work and holiday items from the collective artists. Red Shed Ale House, 10 Main Street, will have live music and The Telegraph School, 82 Alden Street, with host a holiday-themed open mic event.…

Happenin’ Otsego: 11-01-24

EXHIBIT OPENING—5-8 p.m. “Family Portrait.” First Friday event. Show runs through 12/1. 25 Main Collective, 21 Main Street, Cherry Valley. (607) 264-5340 or visit https://www.facebook.com/25maincollective/…

Happenin’ Otsego: 07-05-24

EXHIBIT OPENING—5-8 p.m. “Shape/Form/Substance.” First Friday event. Show runs through 7/28. 25 Main Collective, 21 Main Street, Cherry Valley. (607) 264-5340 or visit https://www.facebook.com/25maincollective/

FIRST FRIDAY—6 p.m. “First Friday Open Mic.” Admission by donation. The Telegraph School, 83 Alden Street, Cherry Valley. (607) 264-3785 or visit https://www.facebook.com/TheTelegraphSchool…

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