


Hospitalization Rate Slower Then Expected

GOVERNOR’S DAILY UPDATE Hospitalization Rate Slower Than Expected Dear New Yorker: While the number of positive Coronavirus cases in New York continues to climb, I want to share some hopeful news: New data show that our density reduction measures may be working. The forecasted rate of hospitalizations are slowing down. On Sunday, forecasts showed hospitalizations doubling every 2 days; on Monday, they showed hospitalizations doubling every 3.4 days; and yesterday, they showed hospitalizations doubling every 4.7 days.…


BOUND VOLUMES March 26, 2020

BOUND VOLUMES March 26, 2020 200 YEARS AGO Married on the Ninth Inst. at Washington City by the Rev. Mr. Hawley, Samuel Lawrence Governeur, Esq. of New York to Miss Maria Hester Monroe, youngest daughter of the President of the United States. Editor: To Patrons – This number completes half a year since the resumption of our editorial duties; and we should be unmindful of our obligations to the public, were we to refrain from expressing our thanks for the…