

Editorial: Citius, Altius, Fortius—Communiter

Our present-day Olympics were inspired by the ancient Olympic Games, first held in Olympia, Greece, from the 8th century BC to the 4th century AD. The exact year of the first Games is obscure; a widely accepted starting date is 776 BC, based on an inscription found at Olympia that lists the winners of a footrace that was held every four years, beginning in 776 BC.…


Baseball Seminar Returns for 35th Year

“Baseball is a mirror of the American culture,” said Simons in a May 19 telephone interview. “A lot of American history can be reflected through baseball—race relations, military history, women’s history. Baseball developed at a time when America was moving to the city, yet it evokes a rural nostalgia,” he said.…


Editorial: All in a Day’s Work

Philanthropy, which has long been defined as love for humankind, has been lurking in the minds of our civilization for at least 2,500 years. It was first written in the works of the Greek playwright, Aeschylus, but the combined concept of “philos” (loving) and “anthropos” (humankind) existed long before the invention of the written word.…