40 lake street – All Otsego


40 lake street


Editorial: An Appeal to the ZB of Appeals

Editorial An Appeal to theZB of Appeals Two weeks ago, in front of a standing-room-only crowd, the Village of Cooperstown Zoning Board of Appeals considered and ultimately denied, unanimously, the application of Adam Curley for a short-term rental permit for four of the five bedrooms in Mark and Margaret Curley’s newly-acquired house at 40 Lake Street. The Curleys, who live in Massapequa Park, New York, on the south shore of Long Island, did not attend the meeting although Mark Curley’s…


Glynn: Open Letter to Coop Board and ZBA

Letter from Beth Glynn Open Letter to Coop Board and ZBA My husband and I own 41 Lake Street, the Crooked House, and One Chestnut, which is located at the corner of Lake and Chestnut streets. The Crooked House is directly across the street from 40 Lake, and One Chestnut is separated from the Crooked House by only 43 Lake. We are extremely exposed to the goings on at 40 Lake. We bought the Crooked House in 2016 and have…


Grandner: Decision by Coop ZBA Much Appreciated

Letter from Wayne Grandner Decision by Coop ZBAMuch Appreciated I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for your recent decision to reject the application for a four room short-term rental at 40 Lake Street. The application was clearly an attempt to establish a commercial enterprise in a residential part of Cooperstown, and your decision to reject it was the right one. I have concerns that the applicant may attempt to circumvent your decision by applying for a single room…


Oxley: ZBA Correct in 40 Lake Decision

Letter from Celia Oxley ZBA Correct in 40 Lake Decision There was much public opposition to the granting of a Special Use Permit for short-term rentals at 40 Lake Street. The Zoning Board of Appeals was correct to deny the permit at a hearing on March 7. From the board’s discussion after the hearing was closed to the public, it seemed that the issue of incidental use was paramount to their decision to deny. The village zoning laws require short-term…


ZBA Denies Short-term Rental Application

ZBA Denies Short-termRental Application By CASPAR EWIGCOOPERSTOWN Last Tuesday, March 7, 2023—in front of an overflow, standing-room-only crowd—the Village of Cooperstown Zoning Board of Appeals considered and ultimately denied an application by Mark and Margaret Curley, the owners of 40 Lake Street, to permit four of the residence’s five bedrooms to be used for short-term rentals. Prior to the hearing, the ZBA had received 24 letters and/or e-mails, all of which expressed the writers’ objection to the application. The same…


Northrup: Short-term Rentals Should Be Limited

Letter from Chip Northrup Short-term Rentals Should Be Limited There are short-term rental permits at 25 single-family houses in the Village of Cooperstown. Some were grandfathered when the village began issuing such permits in 2018. Some are exemplary applications of the ordinance—the owners are renting a garage apartment or other auxiliary dwelling unit that might otherwise go unused. Where the short-term rental is incidental to the family’s use and occupancy of the property. Where the building is not turned into…


Lake Street Permit Denied

Lake Street Permit Denied The Cooperstown Zoning Board of Appeals has voted this evening, following a robust public comment period, to deny the application for a four-bedroom, short-term rental at 40 Lake Street. Details to follow.…


Public Hearing Set for March 7

Public Hearing Set for March 7 Lake Street Permit To Be Considered By CASPAR EWIGCOOPERSTOWN At 5 p.m. on March 7, the Cooperstown Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing to consider an application for a special use permitting short-term rentals to exist on the property at 40 Lake Street. The original application, heard on February 7, was tabled to determine whether the 400-foot-radius of notification to adjacent property owners had been completed as required. The home in…