50th anniversary – All Otsego


50th anniversary



Column by Dr. Richard Sternberg M*A*S*H September was the 50th anniversary of the TV premier of MASH. The Smithsonian Museum has a new special exhibit that includes one of the iconic props from the TV show, the sign post with the distances to places all around the world. In 1983, the museum had a special exhibit called MASH: Binding Up the Wounds, that I visited twice. The program was about people thrown into what to them, with their technical and…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SATURDAY, AUGUST 11 Civil War Camp, Battle, Concert REENACTMENT – 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Civil War encampment featuring soldiers in authentic uniforms drilling, performing maneuvers, singing period songs, more. Battle reenactment planned for afternoon followed by concert. Free, open to public. Lawn, Hyde Hall, 267 Glimmerglass State Park Road, Cooperstown. 607-547-5098 or visit hydehall.org/event/civil-war-weekend-saturday/ ART FESTIVAL – 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. 11th annual juried art fest celebrating the relationship between artist, landscape. Fest features contest between…


Beads Evoke Age Of Aquarius, When Winter Carnival Began

50th ANNIVERSARY WINTER CARNIVAL Beads Evoke Age Of Aquarius, When Winter Carnival Began A bead-wearing contingent from the Baseball Hall of Fame enjoys The Party of the Decades, an opening salvo of the Cooperstown Winter Carnival ongoing at Brewery Ommegang until 8 p.m. this evening.  Clockwise from fronft left are Kelli Bogan, Nate Tweedie, John Janitz, Jamie Brinkman, Stephanie Hazzard, Francois Dillinger and Cassidy Lent. At the door, carnival volunteer Colleen Donnelly was handing out those  mementos of the 1960s,…