Abolish Otsego 2000 – All Otsego


Abolish Otsego 2000


Don’t Denigrate Environmental Efforts

from LARRY BENNETT Don’t Denigrate Environmental Efforts To the Editor, An as Otsego 2000 board member, I find you putting words in Henry Cooper’s mouth similar to Dan Quayle’s attempts to channel JFK. Regarding your idea that Otsego 2000 is a job killer and, by extension, a take-the-food-out-of-the-mouths-of-children villain: New York State’s dumping of state-required but unfunded entitlements on towns and counties push our local property taxes ever upward. This has proven to be a much more effective way to…


Face It: New Jobs Will Require Energy

from TONY KROKER Face It: New Jobs Will Require Energy To the Editor: My wife and I recently moved to the area (my wife was born in Cooperstown) and I have been reading with interest the conflict about economic development that is being shaped in large part by Otsego Now! and Otsego 2000. I was also born in Upstate New York near Syracuse and have witnessed firsthand how cities and towns across Upstate were left gutted when industry moved out or…


Democracy Requires Honest Views Vigorously Expressed

from HILDA WILCOX Democracy Requires Honest Views Vigorously Expressed To the Editor: Having just finished reading this week’s Freeman’s Journal, my husband and I are elated by the free exchange of well-informed opinions and rigorous arguments we found on those pages.  The health of our democracy is dependent on such unafraid, intelligent exchanges. We say “hip, hip, hurrah!” to our editor Jim Kevlin for his editorial and to Topher Hammond and Mike Stein for their vigorously free and honest letters…


Need For Jobs Shouldn’t Rule Out Scrutiny

from JAN MULROY Need For Jobs Shouldn’t Rule Out Scrutiny To the Editor: Recently, it was reported that the generic environmental impact statement (GEIS) for the Oneonta Railyard Project has “generated opposition from Otsego 2000.” I know for sure that Otsego 2000 is not the only group that has provided comments to the Oneonta Common Council regarding the GEIS.  These comments by so many, should not be construed as opposition to creating jobs in the City of Oneonta.  These comments…


Inflammatory View Doesn’t Deserve Reply

from ELLEN POPE Inflammatory View Doesn’t Deserve Reply To the Editor: As our phone conversation Friday made clear that the inflammatory editorial in last week’s paper regarding Otsego 2000 was published to stir up controversy and generate sales, we respectfully decline to respond in these pages. If anyone would like to learn more about what Otsego 2000 stands for, please visit www.otsego2000.org, follow us on Facebook, or give us a call at 547-8881. ELLEN POPE Executive Director, Otsego 2000 Cooperstown…