aging in place – All Otsego


aging in place


News from the Noteworthy: County Offers Host of Services for Seniors

News from the Noteworthy County Offers Host of Services for Seniors Otsego County Office for the Aging serves approximately 2,500 individuals per year on a variety of levels. Some of the major programs offered by Office for the Aging include: In-Home Services: Services are provided to assist older adults who want to remain at home, yet need assistance with daily activities such as dressing, bathing, personal care, light housekeeping or meal preparation. Personal Emergency Response System units are also available…


A break for seniors in mobile home parks

A break for seniors in mobile home parks Otsego County seniors who reside in mobile home parks may now be eligible to receive assistance from the Otsego County Office for the Aging and Otsego Rural Housing Assistance (ORHA) for their mobile home repairs.  This assistance is to help older adults (age 60 +) to continue living safely and independently in their homes. It is for home repairs such as roofing, plumbing, electrical and flooring. “New York State offers a number…


No Phone, No Internet Stymies So. Worcester Couple

No Phone, No Internet Stymies So. Worcester Couple By MICHAEL FORSTER ROTHBART • Special to As Margaret Wolff waited during the recommended 15-minute observation period following her inoculation Saturday afternoon, Jan. 30, Rita Tetenes was at her home here. Tetenes was not one of the lucky ones. Although she and her husband Leo are in their 80s, they still live independently in a far, hilly corner of Otsego County. Schoharie County begins across the narrow valley from their home,…